BASP By-Laws





Section 1. The name of this organization  shall be called the Broward Association of School Psychologists (herein called the “Association”).


Purposes and Implementation

Section 1. To promote professional growth through group discussion, individual presentations, films and workshops. Topics pertaining to psychology and education through  assessment instruments, professional publications, research, cooperation with social service agencies, public laws, and federal, state and local mandates shall be germane.

Section 2. To function as child advocates by discussing concerns regarding the evaluation, placement and educational programming of Broward County Public School students.

Section 3. To function as a clearinghouse for pertinent information and to provide information and speakers to interested parties.

Section 4. To address those items in the master contract with the School Board of Broward County regarding school psychologists.

Section 5. The membership, by voting as set forth in Article V, may provide statements and/or position papers to the appropriate personnel regarding these matters.

Section 6. When there is disagreement over the appropriateness of subject matter, a hand vote of the members present shall be taken and the opinion of the majority shall be followed.

Section 7. As the purpose of this organization is professional in orientation, rather than political, the endorsement of political candidates shall not be made.

Section 8. The Association will recognize each year one Broward County school psychologist, who demonstrates outstanding personal and professional characteristics, with the presentation of the Phil Seat Award. Phil Seat was a clinical psychologist who was highly respected and admired. He passed away in 1998. The recipient of this award will be chosen from a committee selected by the previous year’s recipient. All areas of the county should be evenly represented on this committee. All Broward County school psychologists are eligible for receiving this award, with the exception of the members of the BASP Executive Board, which is comprised of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.



Section 1. All professional personnel under the direction of and including the Director of Psychological Services shall be eligible for regular membership.

Section 2. All school-based psychologists shall be eligible for regular membership.

Section 3. All psychologists contracted by the School System and the Diagnostic Resource System shall be eligible for regular membership.

Section 4. All psychologists, regardless of site of employment, who demonstrate interest in the welfare of Broward County School students shall be eligible for regular membership providing they are certified or licensed School or Clinical psychologists.

Section 5. Professionals licensed under Florida Statue Chapter 490 or certified guidance counselors or social workers not eligible for membership under Sections 1 through 4 of this Article shall be eligible for Associate membership. Dues for Associate members shall be one-half of the amount of dues for Regular members. Associate members may participate in all Association activities and meretings but are ineligible to hold office or vote on matters concerning the Association.

Section 6. The Treasurer shall review applications for membership and recomendations to the Executive Committee. Admission to membership shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

Section 7.  Membership in good standing shall be those with currently paid dues.

Section 8. Members in good standing prior to February 22, 1984, whose status would be adversely affected by the 1984 revision to Section 4 above shall retain  regular membership eligibility.

Section 9. Students enrolled in a full-time program  leading to a degree in school psychology  shall be eligible for student membership which shall be non-voting and one-half the dues of regular membership.

Section 10. Dues shall be established annuallly for each classification of membership. Assessments or changes in dues may be recommended by the Executive Committee and shall be decided by majority vote as  set forth in Articles V.

Section 11. Membership applicationshall be open all year, with full yearly dues required.

Section 12. If approved, membership becomes effective upon payment of dues to the Treasurer.



Section 1. The yearly schedule  shall be decided by the Executive Committee by September 30th of the current school year and sent to current members and interested parties.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall make reasonable effort to inform the membership at least two weeks in advance of the time, topic, and location of each meeting.

Section 3. Changes in the schedule may be made with advance notice by the Executive Committee.

Secion 4. Meetings shall be open to all interested parties.



Section 1. The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee by April 30th.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall present the nominations to the members by June 30th.

Section 3. The following officers shall be voted on and installed by the end of the school year:

(a) President

(b) Vice-President

(c) Secretary

(d) Treasurer

Section 4. Only members in good standing shall be nominated for an office.


Duties of Officers

Section 1. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws and shall assume such additional duties as prescribed by the membership.

Section 2. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The president shall appoint the Chairperson of each committee. The president shall representsociation on request and fulfill other duties as requested by the membership.

Section 3. The Vice-President, in the absence or inability of the President to discharge the duties of his/her office, shall perform such  duties. The Vice-President shall also  be responsible for arranging for programs for the dissemination of such issues to the memebrship. The Vice-President shall also act as Parlimentarian at all meetings.

Section 4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes for all meetings, shall be responsible for notices of meetings, and the handling of all correspondance.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall collect dues, keep financial records, and maintain a checking account in the name of the Association and be responsible for these funds. Expenditures under $100.00 shall be allowed with the approval  of the Executive Committee. Expenditures over $100.00 shall be voted on by procedures described in Article V. The Treasurer and one other officer shall sign all checks.


Executive Committee

Section 1. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Association for the current year. The previous year’s officers may serve if they desire.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall establish annual dues, transact all business referred to it by the Association, shall perform the business of the Association between meetings of the Association, and shall make a report of all transactions to the Association.



Section 1. The Committees, standing or Ad Hoc, shall be appointed as necessary by the President and shall be selected from the membership.

Section 2. The Chairpersons of all Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President and shall be selected from the membership.

Section 3. Committee chairpersons may serve on the Executive Committee.



Roberts Rules of Order shall govern this Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.


Amendments to By-Laws

These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a majority  of the members present. All amendments must first be presented in writing to the membership one month previous to voting for approval or disapproval.

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